Scrap Happy for February 15th 2024

Late, but not so late as last time…  😉

When doing laundry *two years previous, I suddenly noticed that the bed pillow covers were disintegrated!  Completely.  I have patched small holes in linens in the past, but this was truly beyond patching.

*And yes, I am truly shocked to realize how behind I’ve been in blogging, much less posting for scrap happy.  Sigh.  Yet here I am trying my best to get in the groove again.

Taking the usable 18 inch zippers out of the old pillowcase covers saved me quite a bit.  And going to the quilt closet I found percale sheeting that I had *purchased in quantity over ten years previous.  It came in a queen sized width, and the bundle I chose was about seven yards total.  I have used this cotton percale for many projects over the years.

*This and many of my quilt fabrics came from Sir’s in Tennessee, which sadly burned down about six years ago. The sewing, quilting, and upholstering aficionados, here in Alabama and Tennessee, have felt the loss deeply as he did not rebuild.

As you can see, this came together quite easily.  Seam down the side, one to close the bottom and the insertion of the old zipper.  “Better than store bought.” I say.  Cost to make would have to be estimated, but maybe 1 or 2 dollars?  And, pillow covers are really inexpensive to buy, about $4.00?  But, the satisfaction in making them myself was of immeasurably more value than the money saved.

Regarding the work journal:  the booklet is called a bullet journal and allows me to mark off the lines and columns easily where I see need.  I am purposely working on items that need to be completed from a long time ago… you know, the UFOs that seem to get squirreled away.  Right?

The system has what you are working on listed on the left and then columns from left to right for each step.

  • pattern
  • fabric
  • cut
  • pieced
  • backing
  • basted
  • quilted
  • bound
  • completed
  • SOLD!

From the photo above: Garden Snail needs me to decide on placement/layout and get it sewn.  Then its off to the quilters.  Pineapple Triangles is one I got and had the fabric for, but wouldn’t let myself start until I finished these UFOs… because…  I need to be disciplined! “Black Stallion” was not in the photo above but was recently bound and it needs a binding to be complete. Binding, like framing a photo or painting, makes the whole thing come alive!  (Binding is cut and the reveal will come soon!)

Thanks to Kate and Gun for getting us together and working!

ScrapHappy happens each month on the 15th.  The many participants are listed below, and although they don’t participate every time, it’s always fun to see what they have created from their scraps!

KateGun, EvaSue,
Birthe, Turid, Susan, Cathy,  Tracy, 
JanMoira, SandraChrisAlys,
Sunny, Kjerstin, Sue LVera, 
 Ann, Dawn 2, Carol, Preeti,
NóilinViv, Karrin, Amo, Alissa,
Lynn, Tierney and Hannah



—> An announcement or warning for all

I will be discussing my health in a day or two. AND right up front, I am not dying, OK!  😀  But for those who really don’t want to know I will let you know in the title that I am talking about health issues so you may skip it if you desire.  The things I am facing are medical issues that I know millions of others are dealing with, and so I feel the need to share my experience.  If you are clearly not interested as a whole group, then I will start a new blog channel and post my experience and information there.  I refuse to post any of this to Youtube, Instagram, X, or the like, as I find them all tedious and, with the exception of X, quite likely to block or fact check anything they don’t like.  You have been warned. 😉



8 thoughts on “Scrap Happy for February 15th 2024

  1. katechiconi says:

    I’m so glad you were frugal enough to hang onto the originals all this time. It just goes to show what can be achieved with salvage and retrieval from the back of the closet. I have been known to cut out the threadbare centre of a beloved embroidered pillowcase and insert a panel of something similar but often contrasting or of a quite different flavour. Works for me and no one will see it except those supposed to be in that bed!

    • Lynda says:

      Hello again, Kate, and thank you! The truth must be told… The photos of the work on these were taken two years ago for a post and… a lot happened between then and now. But I am back at it and dedicated to staying as current as possible from here out. I like your idea for using different fabrics. I have been known to do that to favorite clothing items and if it pleases me, then, I don’t care who sees the patching when I am wearing it. 😉

    • Lynda says:

      Rutigt, Thank you, it gives me direct accountability.

      “Black Beauty” was pieced in 2017 and only at the end of last year was it sent out for quilting. That is ridiculous. The binding is going on now and should be done by Wednesday. Personally, I can’t wait to see it finished! AND, a photo of the finish, with much better lighting, will also follow.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Dear Lynda, Thank you for showing the Bullet Journal that you use for your quilts. It looks like the perfect template for any project — hobbies, home improvement, or personal growth type things.
    I will read your health comments next time. I still consider you a friend and have happy memories of working with you at Cal Poly. You are a remarkable woman and I wish you all the best. —- Penny in Pomona

    • Lynda says:

      Dear Penny,
      Thank you! I’m always so glad to see you here. Cal Poly was a definite growing curve, wasn’t it? I have good memories of you as well. As for the last compliment: Look in the mirror every day and tell that to yourself; never doubt it!
      I miss you too,

    • Lynda says:

      Thank you Tom, we have been! The pillow case covers help keep your pillows less soiled over time, than pillowcases alone, which extends the life of your pillows.

So how about that? Go on; say something!