Ladies Only ;)

That funny feeling you’re getting when you walk, and you can’t figure out what’s in your pants.


Today when I came in I kept feeling something touching the back of my thigh, just under my cheek and straight across.  I checked a couple of times today and then, just now, I figured it out.

It was the leg elastic of my underwear hanging low.  Apparently, my backside shrank… not necessarily a bad thing.

Time to buy a smaller size!


An unpublished post written in antiquity to help me get going… With current events added just for fun.


“What if the joke comes to life and nobody gets it?”


I was at CT Garven’s the other day buying feed and seed for my chickens and geese.  To say that the cost of feed has gone up would be an understatement.  About fourteen years ago, when I first began keeping chickens and geese, the cost of a 50 lb. bag of feed was only about $8.00 and scratch was a bit less.  At the time of the post, the cost of feed was just under $19.00 (currently 26.00),  and the scratch was about $16.00  Amazingly, the current price on scratch has dropped to $14.00 per 50 lb bag! 

It used to be that when one referred to the cost of something being negligible, or the wages of a job being too low, you would refer to them as being “Chicken Scratch”  or alternately “Chicken Feed.”  Apparently, this statement has become outdated.

Anyway, back to the feed store.  When the lady behind the counter rang up the total of my purchase, $35.00 and some change, I was in shock to say the least!  But chickens and geese gotta eat.

So I opened my purse to pay the clerk and out flew a moth!

I began to laugh, which garnered strange looks from her and the other clerk behind the counter, which meant I had some explaining to do.

I proceeded to tell them about the joke of the moth flying out of your wallet, or purse in my case, symbolizing being poor or broke.   They just stared.  I looked at the lady in front of me and thought, “She must be my age, how come she doesn’t remember that one?”  So I payed and left.


I guessed I was showing my age.  Still, being curious I went searching to find out if the symbol was  regional, or perhaps tied to the depression era.  So, I was pleasantly surprised to find that not only is the joke alive and well, but you can even purchase wallets with moth designs on them!

So why didn’t they get it?


And now for the quasi-updated, but mostly almost a year old news…

Since you last heard from me I’ve had a total knee replacement.  On October 3rd of last year. 

Please be advised, that if the surgeon tells you it will take about a year to fully heal; believe him. 

Things I did not expect with the surgery? That the straining of moving/hobbling along, in the early days would, put stress on my lower back, hips and my (sorta) good  R. knee.  That my hip bursitis from 30 years ago is BACK.  My other doc informed me during that time, that my spine has “a bit of” stenosis.  Now I know the surgery hasn’t caused this, but it surely hasn’t helped.  Oh yes, and it is possible for your newly repaired L. knee to leave you one quarter inch taller on your left side which, bizarrely, you really can feel.  I now have a 1/4 inch heel lift in the shoe of the R. foot.  It’s made a significant improvement in my pain level.  

Another surprise was not being able to sit in a chair at my computer for even fifteen to twenty minutes, and forget about the sewing machine.  What! No quilting?  

Once about four or five months back; I sat at the computer trying to get through the email tsunami in my inbox and lost track of time…  An hour later I tried to get up and couldn’t.  Sitting here on the office chair, I hadn’t realized that the wheels allowed me to push forward bending my knees,  with the air conditioning blowing on them.   They were locked into a frozen bend.  I hollered and Bob came in to assist rescue me to a standing position, then helped me to the other room to sit in the recliner.  It was bad. 

It remains that my (sorta) good knee needs replacing too. 

Hell may freeze before that comes to pass.


OK, before I leave, here is a little mental math quiz.  It has a purpose. 

1 × 70 
2 × 35
5 × 14
7 × 10
10 × 7
14 × 5
35 × 2
70 × 1

Most all of you will know what this is, but will you discern it’s significance?

Tales of a pup, pumpkins, and quilting

Things have been slow on the Farmlet this week, unless of course you are a Walker!  And, as it goes with a two year old, he is constantly being monitored and knows one word PERFECTLY:


No! That is not a toy,  no cats, no shoes, no socks, no table legs, no sticks, no leaves, and

no pumpkins!

And on the brighter side, literally and figuratively, I have a near finish on my Posh Posies quilt.  I got it back from the new quilter this week and it needs binding for a finish.  Remember this?

and peeking out from behind on the design wall is a nearly complete assembly of this quilt…

Can you imagine?  When I started this adventure I used to cut as I went to make a quilt.  I have seen the error of my ways.  Now I cut all, label the stacks, and it goes faster!   Imagine that?

And here it is by popular request – the obligatory cute puppy shot.

B.F. Walker

His eyes may tell you he is innocent of all charges, but his leash and collar tell the real story.


NOTES on chewed pumpkins:  I recently read somewhere, that a bit of pumpkin is good for dogs.  So I’m thinking of cooking it down, mashing it up and then mixing with a bit of brown rice to make frozen dog treats.  (2 p to 1 r)  If you know differently, please do tell!

Walker’s World

If I pick it up and you tell me, “Drop it! ” and then I hide the frozen vole in my mouth and you can’t see it…

Does it really exist?


Oh, OK. (plop)