Dogs and Cats and Chickens, Oh My!

Time passes and we lose dear friends, and gain new ones.  I like revisiting the old ones here so I left them but marked their Photo with an RIP designation. 

We now have two new friends!

This is the Noodle.


He comes to us from Nashville, Tennessee via a Craig’s list add.  He is a whirlwind of energy just as his predecessor Tucker was.

And this is Lil’Bit

(Coming soon)


Tucker’s new sweater.

On a recent trip to Nashville we found a really cute sweater for Tucker.  He needed it as the weather here has been dropping down into the teens this winter and he only has one that will fit.  Now he has two!

Don’t you think its cute?



Do You Know Where Your Daddy Is?

It’s the 4:00PM lineup and we’re all waiting for Daddy to come into the drive and through the door…


Tucker is the first alert ~ RIP

(BTW, now you know why my furniture nearest the front room window is always covered!)


Buddy listens intently as he watches the big window.


Even Jabba, I mean Fatty, er Smokey waits for her favorite person to come home.  “So Daddy can FEED ME!!!  My tummy is EMPTY and he’s late!”  she says.

Cats Have a Purpose?

They do.  They make us laugh!


Jabba the Cat ~ RIP

Her real name is Smoky, but she’s just so, how else to say it, FAT!  We found her at the animal shelter when we went looking for a mouser and ended up bringing her home too.

The conversation went something like this:

Bob:  She looks  just like Pinta.  (The cat we lost right before we moved)

Me:    Do you want her?

Bob:   She’s five years old.  Nobody else will probably take her.

Me:     Do you want her?

Bob:   She’s so beautiful and affectionate.

Me:     Can we get two?  (I had already picked Claus as our mouser)

Bob:    OK!

The hysterical thing about “Fatty” (Cat’s always have more than one name) is that she was supposed to be an outdoor cat.  Ha!  She spent the first month and a half in the kitty room and refused to come out.  Now she thinks she owns the place.  HOWEVER, she is absolutely terrified of the outside.  She lords it over us and the dogs, Buddy is actually afraid to pass her in the hall, but put her outside and she totally freaks!  She glues herself to the door, or hides under the deck, waiting for her chance to barge in.


Claus von Mouser ~ RIP

Meet Claus.  He has many special talents:

  1. Streaking through the house and flying through the air at the sound of the door latch!  (Fast Kitty!)
  2. Purring very LOUDLY!  (Love that!)
  3. Potty Buddy (can you say ANNOYING!?!)
  4. Excellent picker and scratcher of furniture  (HATE that.)
  5. Can’t climb trees.
  6. To date – hasn’t caught a mouse.

Poor baby, when we got him he was about 4 months old, and we didn’t notice his limp.  As he began to grow the limp became quite pronounced.  The vet said that he had his knee dislocated when he was a kitten.  EXPENSIVE.  He also said that as long as Claus was not in obvious pain, that it would be better to wait on a surgery.  The only real disadvantage his knee causes for him is it keeps him from adequately defending himself.  He has gotten himself thrashed by the resident feral cat twice!  We now only let him out when we are home, and that is only in the back yard with the dogs.  It is easy to keep him there as he can’t jump the fence like most cats.  Occasionally, he streaks out the front door and gets to play there for awhile.  (We watch him though)  When it is time to come in I have to be tricky… I go sit on the lawn furniture and he comes over to get petted, or into my lap, and then I have him!

Chicken Logic


B-o-k, bok, bok, bok… Hm, if it moves again I’m eat’n it.

33 thoughts on “Dogs and Cats and Chickens, Oh My!

  1. Pam Nunn says:

    Enjoyed this critter post!

    I didn’t know about Claus’s bum knee, that’s too bad! But he has the perfect parents to take care of him.

    I like your line about cats having more than one name! All of ours do… Mauser has the most (Chairman Mau, Mau-ie Wowie, Mausie, etc. etc.). I’ll have to do my own post on that some day.

    • pixilated2 says:

      Thanks! Yeah they do! Sigh… which is why Polly is my ***FAVORITE*** farm pet instead of Christmas dinner… Bob was mad at first, but he has gotten over it and I secretly think he likes her almost as much as me. 😉

      But the little Tucker dog is in first place for a space in both our hearts.

    • pixilated2 says:

      Hello Lana! Thanks for visiting me here on the Farmlet, and I’m glad you found me. I look forward to your next visit. ~ L

  2. Lynda K says:

    LOL I love the stories for each of your fur-faced loves! Like your Claus, our tuxie Sullivan has a bum knee, too. His kneecap shifted at 9 months, went in and out for a few years, and finally stayed out about 4 years ago. He’s a sport about it, but it sure makes you feel for them.

    • pixilated2 says:

      That’s for sure! Most of the time he does pretty well, but we have to watch his weight for him. If he gets a little over he get’s a bit more gimpy. Poor baby. He sure can fly across the field and pasture when called home though, in spite of the bum knee! ~ L

  3. Natural Ramblings says:

    Thanks for sharing your animals, Tuckers face is priceless, love his jumper. Isn’t it the way you try and get a mouser and they don’t like them lol. Both cats are gorgeous what incredible personalities both so different. Its perfect you took the two of them, they really get into our hearts.

    • Lynda says:

      They do, Gypsyrose! BTW, as time has gone by our cats have become very good vole and rat catchers. They go out into the pasture and catch them every day…
      I just wish they wouldn’t bring them home to us to show them off!!! 😉

    • Lynda says:

      Kathee, he did get used to it, however I don’t think he likes it. Funny little guy has gotten to the place where he can put his own paws through the leg holes at least. It used to be a terrible struggle in the beginning! He does still have it, although it’s getting a bit worn now. 😀

    • Lynda says:

      He has this one and an argyle one… and another I am secretly working on for him for Christmas! It has polar bears on the fleece. I’m making a hood for me of the same fleece, so now when we go out well match. Silly, I know, but thrifty and warm!

  4. Boomdeeadda says:

    I love that your pets all wait for daddy to come home 😀 We all do that here too. I have two black cats, indoor only. They were a birthday gift from my brother who has four of his own. We’ve suggested he doesn’t go to pet smart anymore, LOL. Petals is a little nut, speedy and very small. Blossum is sweet, sleepy and not very small. We all line up at the door when daddy comes home for our hugs and kisses 😀 I like Claus Von Mousers socks and you can tell tucker he’s awfully cute in his sweater, maybe he’ll like it more. 😉

    • Lynda says:

      Thank you, Boomdeeadda! Tell your brother I feel his pain… I get soppy over animals in need too, and I want to give them all a good home here with us! Reason tells me that if I take them all in, then our home will no longer be on the “Good Housekeeping” approved list. 😯
      Meanwhile, I am on Tucker’s list of offenders for “cruel and unusual punishment”. He has a bruise that he’s worried till it is quite sore, and now he is wearing a cone around his neck to keep him from really hurting himself! I will pass on your compliment to help cheer him up. 🙂

  5. karenlee says:

    Your comments about your “outdoor” cat make me laugh. We live on 23 acres, and for the longest time there wasn’t a spare cat to be found. Usually, they find me (my daughter calls me The Cat Whisperer), but until this year, there were none. On a whim, I recently brought home Gandalf, our first rescue cat from a shelter out of town. All 15 1/2 pounds of him is deathly afraid of the outdoors, and we don’t know why. He is solid gray, moves like a panther, and is pure mush inside. Love your dog sweater, too.

    • Lynda says:

      Karenlee, often the cat is afraid of the outside because they have never experienced it. Cats are skittish and cautious by nature and judging by Gandalf’s size I thinking he was an indoor kitty too. Make him go out, but do it in supervised increasing increments. It will take time, but eventually his curiosity will get the better of him and he will want to go exploring. BTW, often I have had kitties that liked to follow me all about the place. I had one in California that liked to go for walks to the corner market. She would wait for me to come out and then follow me back home. The most recent journey-cat used to follow me on the 1/2 mile trail on our!

      • karenlee says:

        Hi Lynda,
        We were told at the shelter that Gandy was wandering around a home for two weeks before those folks brought him in. Given the way he acts now, he was definitely a lap cat and always inside. Given where we live, I am actually glad he is this way; the usual way we lose cats is to coyotes (so having lost a few this way, ours are always indoors at night). We are next to a busy country road, and it’s all open. I think I may take him out with me on our smaller back deck, as you say, in increments, and see how he does. If he takes off, he’s likely gone as he’s too fast and strong for us to catch. On the flip side, he’s the cleanest cat ever. I’ve had cats that follow me as well. They are wonderful creatures. ❤

        • Lynda says:

          If you’ve had him long enough and he is well adjusted with you inside the house then you shouldn’t have any trouble with him taking off. LOL, he will probably glue himself to the back door and cry the whole time. Poor baby it sounds like he has been through a lot of stress before you got him. Lucky for him that you found him!

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