A little something to warm you up…

“When the weather is cold, and never goes above 32 degrees, we are stuck in the mudroom all day just to avoid freezing our whiskers off. We’re so bored.”


You are not seeing double.  Kitty on the left is Pickle and on the right is Peanut.  They are brothers from a litter who arrived all the way from Tuscaloosa riding in the grille of a pickup truck.  That is a 2 hr 28 min or 169.3 mile trip.  When the driver discovered them, he extracted them and then took them to our local vet’s office. 

On entering, with Walker and Noodle in tow, I spied the assistant feeding them behind the counter and asked if they were available. They were.  

“I’ll take them both!” I exclaimed.  Bob cocked an eyebrow at me, but I held firm. 

Peanut has since become Bob’s favorite and Pickle is mine.  I do love a good Ginger cat and having two ginger cats is twice a nice.

Although, perhaps not so nice if you are a mousie or a vole.

Friday Fictioneers for March 8, 2019


  • Write a complete story, beginning, middle and end, in 100 words or less.
  • Take time to proofread and edit.
  • Make every word count.
  • Include the photo prompt and Linkz on your page and link your story URL.
  • Read and comment.  Reciprocation is half the fun!

It’s not what you look at that matters it’s what you see.  ~ Henry David Thoreau


Special thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for her weekly inspiration


100 Words

the cat came back…


He’d tried numerous ways to be rid of the cat that slept on his scooter’s seat each day.

Scaring only caused it to wink is eyes.  Boxing it and freeing it in the woods simply increased the time between sightings.  Then he tried giving it away.  The new owner promised she would keep it inside.  She called a week later telling him it had escaped.

And there she was.

Scooping the cat up he took it inside. Then,  grabbing  a butcher knife he cut off a largish hunk of fish and fed her.

Resignedly he whispered, “Welcome home”

She purred.


Giving credit where credit is due – I think my writing today has been heavily influenced by a song written in 1893 by Harry S. Miller.

Image Credit:  PD-US, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=18062272

And up until today I had thought it was a product of the early 60s, as in this very popular version recorded by the New Christy Minstrels.

I trust you’ve found my ending much happier for the cat?


For some really great takes on today’s prompt just click the little blue frog!

The Boogie Beast

I didn’t talk about it, but last month almost to the day, we lost Neville.  He was our little kitty from the Mountain Farmlet.

Neville was aloof

This morning almost a month to the day Lil’Bit has vanished.  If she does not come home we will not be getting another kitty.

Lil’Bit required much attention

Some sort of Boogie Beast is making the circuit in its nightly hunts and none of us on our little street can keep kitties anymore.  I am guessing fox or coyote as there is never any evidence left behind.  This will be the fourth kitty to have vanished and as you may recall Smoky and Clause just disappeared overnight too.

RIP kitties

Because of a cat

Current events and the dispelling of a myth

I have oft heard it said that if a cat climbs a tree and won’t come down then you should not worry, because eventually the cat will get hungry and get itself down.


This is not to say that all cats won’t come down, but in certain instances some will refuse.  Which had been the case of the lady next door’s kitty.  It got up and stayed there crying plaintively for a week and a half in the rain storms that came through with winds of up to 50 mph!  Knowing that the firemen will no longer do this service I called our vet and got the number for a tree service that would do the job… for a fee.

A fee of $170 to be exact!  YIKES!  Not to be cold-hearted, but it isn’t even my cat!  So in seconds I came up with a plan.  I asked him how much he would charge for the kitty removal if he was already out here to remove a very big oak in the backyard that grows over our house?  To which he replied:

Kitty removal is free if I am already there, but the oak sounds like quite a feat.  That will be expensive.

I already knew this and had put it off for many years due to the cost.  The tree was huge, growing about 12 feet from the house, and dropping tons of leaves, ball bearing shaped acorns, and very BIG limbs onto the roof and into the yard.  You must believe me when I say that going out the back door gave me great trepidation!

Top Five Reasons to remove an ancient oak:

  1. The leafy mess
  2. The dropping limbs
  3. Damage to our roof and the rain gutters from same
  4. The half-inch sized, ball bearing shaped acorns
  5. Damage to me, when I slipped and fell on said acorns leaving me with a sprain in my lower back and a small tear in my rotator cuff  (can you say OUCH!)

I had no problem saying, “YES.”

I was glad to be told that he is licensed, bonded and insured, and that because of the  poor kitty he would come out that morning and get the work done!  Whew!

Kitty Extraction

Kitty up a tree!

Kitty up a tree!

Up elevator.

Up elevator.

Making friends.  :)

Making friends. 🙂

Down elevator.  Note the kitty bucket!

Down elevator. Note the kitty bucket!

These were supposed to be in a carousel to save download time, but for what ever reason they would not open.  SORRY!  To appreciate how high up that kitty was just note the position of those power lines in the first and last photos!

Everything went exactly as he planned!  He removed our fence, tied the tree with ropes, applied pressure with a tractor as they cut it and dropped it right where he told me he would in our yard…


The Chief Doggy Inspector sez: Watch out! Hold it tight! T-I-M-B-E-R!!!




and also into the pasture.  I chose to do it this way because dismembering it from the top down would have cost us DOUBLE the price even with the cost of taking down the fence and putting it back up for felling it.

Well, it didn’t take three minutes before the owner was up here with her hair on fire because we didn’t tell her we were going to drop it on their land.  In my defense I had called earlier and said the tree was coming down, offered them the wood for their wood stove (she seemed grateful)  and mentioned the fence was being removed too.  I guess I thought it was explanatory.  My bad.  😦  As well, the manager for the job had gone down three times that morning before they started the work, to talk to said owner, but no one would answer the door.

In the tree men’s defense the tree landed EXACTLY where they said it would and causing no damage to their lovely oaks.  They even cleaned up every little twig that broke off during the felling, dismembering and carting away of the huge limbs.

I do hope this is the end of this kerfuffle.

Meanwhile, our yard is going to take some work to make it look nice.  Sadly, too much shade and this summer’s drought have left it devoid of grass, but we will now have more sun and can choose a more sturdy grass for the new lawn.


The remains


Free firewood

Hurry spring!

PS on the Process Pledge:  The new wool coat had hit a snag trying to gather all the materials to put it together.  Doesn’t anyone do fashion sewing in Huntsville?  I am having to order everything online.  Well, I did find an awesome button at Jo Anne’s, but with all the stuff they have packed to the rafters in their stores, wouldn’t you imagine that I could come out of there with the thread, lining and stabilizer I needed too?  Nope.  The muslin is cut, my dress form has been reshaped to add that extra bit about the middle and to reflect the ravages of age and gravity on the my bust-line  😯  and the rest of the bits are in the mail!

