Once Upon a Time in the West: a birthday that took 1,248 miles to celebrate

In the month of April, so many years ago I can’t remember, I was born in Wichita Falls Texas.

Here is how it all went down:

Dad was stationed in Texas at Sheppard AFB.  Mom was stuck in Southern California with my anticipated birth to be sometime SOON.  Now my Mom didn’t want to be alone when I came, so she hopped the bus at eight and one half months into my grand arrival, and we traveled 1,248 miles to be where Dad was!

That was in 1953 before air conditioning.  So you know that was a LONG and stressful ride in her condition. 

What was she thinking?

Well, I was born almost as soon as we arrived.  Now Dad was living in base housing, and suddenly he has to come up with someplace for all of us off  base! Then, two weeks after I showed up Dad got shipped out to March AFB  Which is right back in good ol’ Southern California!

Do you sense some irony here?

This month I turn 60, and for the first time in my life, I don’t believe I am really into the swing of the whole birthday thing.


Not really.

But hey, check back with me in say another 20 to 30 years, and then maybe I will be so happy to still be here I will want a party, complete with a bonfire  er, birthday cake and a party with all my friends around to cheer me on!


BTW, Bob asked me what I wanted for my birthday this year, and all I could come up with was the deed to the Mountain Farmlet.


It really is all I could ask for!


38 thoughts on “Once Upon a Time in the West: a birthday that took 1,248 miles to celebrate

  1. Deb Weyrich-Cody says:

    Wishing you a Happy, HAPPY birthday Lynda!! 60 years… boy that surely deserves an extra-special B’day gift, doesn’t it?!
    BIG hugs, Deb: )

        • Lynda says:

          Deb, I cheated. I used a *box cake and followed the directions in the Better Homes cook book. I did however use fresh pineapple this time and ended up having to cook down the brown sugar, butter and released juices to make it thicken!!! It was more trouble, but it tasted better! Oh, and if you happen to have one handy, one goose egg is always an awesome replacement for the three chicken eggs.

          *Making Gluten Free baked goods is a pain, and the store bought mix, even though 3 to 4 times more costly, is always a good choice. (I don’t eat this stuff often enough to care about perfecting the scratch recipe)

          • Deb Weyrich-Cody says:

            LOL! No worries – and boy, do I hear ya on the price of GF! (As long as you enjoyed it, that’s all that matters; )

  2. LB says:

    I’d love to have heard your Mom tell that story. Oh my!! Military life was chock full of just those types of moments.
    Good luck as you ponder how to celebrate 60 … I turn 53 in May … nothing exciting about that. But 60!! Now that is a good excuse for a party or a trip or some lovely new plantings 🙂

    • Lynda says:

      It is really, and I am always grateful not to have been born on that bus! Much more fun to say you’re from Texas than a Grayhound bus on some highway. (The I-10 wasn’t completed to Texas until 1960) 😉
      Thanks, Diana!

    • Lynda says:

      Thank you, Tom! If the big one materializes, then there will be an open invitation for you both to come for a visit. We’ll celebrate with taters, fish from the pond, and other crunchable good things that will be grown right there on the farm! 😉

  3. Littlesundog says:

    Happy Birthday Lynda!! I wish I was there to help you celebrate… and secretly, I’d love to sample that Gluten Free Pineapple Upside Down Cake!! Have a banner day my friend! You ROCK at 60!!

    • Lynda says:

      I wish you could have some of that cake too, Lori…
      You would save me from eating it! 😉

      Seriously, thank you for the lovely wish and the compliment! 🙂

  4. 47whitebuffalo says:

    Days of our births–ever wonder why we make so much fuss over the numbers?
    Presents ought to be given and received at will–randomly– to maintain an element of surprise. Or so I think.
    Deeds in-deed!
    Enjoy the day and make it YOURS.

  5. shoreacres says:

    What a lucky girl, to get just what she wants for her birthday! And what an interesting birth-day story. I can only imagine your dad being discombobulated by the sudden changes in life It’s funny that you ended up back in California almost immediately.

    Now, you’re going to get to begin your 60th year with a little traveling, too. Isn’t it wonderful?!

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