Photo Friday: a back porch view

I have been busy, and neglecting the folks I follow out there in the Blogosphere.

I’m sorry!

And because I have been neglectful, I missed Cecilia, from over at The Kitchen Garden,  and her photo challenge to share:

“What do you see from your Back Porch or Back Doorstep?”

The post that began it is HERE,  and the views from the world over are not to be missed!

And so, even if I am too late to share this with her there, I of course want to share the view [of] our (or rather, soon to be ours) back porch.   😉

The back porchIf you click to view closer, you will see the old smoke house on your right, and the verandah of the two room cabin on your left.  The little depression in front of the trees is part of the pond.

The porch? 

Well, that would be the lattice petticoat you see peeking out from under the trees in the center of this photo.  😉


We have our final inspection on Wednesday, and sign the legal stuff on Friday!

It makes me giddy just to think about it. 


36 thoughts on “Photo Friday: a back porch view

    • Lynda says:

      Thank you, Lisa, we have been holding our breath since we started this adventure! Poor Bob, he hasn’t been back out there since winter when everything was still sleeping!

      I had a little pipe dream of living somewhere like this in the mountains of Costa Rica… this isn’t CR, but it is close enough for me! We don’t have the Bell birds and the Howler monkeys here of course, but you can’t have it ALL 😉

        • Lynda says:

          OK then! This means I need to post often and post well! 😀

          Yes, I have seen the dogwoods and the oak hydrangea’s in the the woods, and I don’t know what a bluegill looks like, but there is a blue bird run on the property! Will that do?

          • Playamart - Zeebra Designs says:

            i chuckled!thanks, as i returned home last night and have been washing clothes and doing all of those boring first-day-back chores!

            a bluegill is a type of panfish that one often catches with a cane fishing pole.. think huckleberry finn scene, and you’ll have the essence of a bluegill fishing day. in fact i have an illustration floating around somewhere on wordpress!

            ah, those oakleaf hydrangeas always added a delicate touch to the deep shadows of the woods!

            something else that i rarel see is an antique store!

          • Lynda says:

            HA! I can see it perfectly now, and I know where to get my hands on some bamboo too!

            Yes, the south is chock full of antique stores! 😀

  1. Littlesundog says:

    Go ahead and be giddy!! It’s a wonderful feeling, isn’t it? By the way, I’m putting out vibes for just the right priced tractor for Bob… it looks like you may need one! That or a big mower!

    • Lynda says:

      Lori, I need to go directly into the comments page! I keep losing my replies in the notifications window!!! “TDRBs”

      What I said was: No mower, that, Bob is holding out for the TRACTOR! He is just like Tim the Toolman Taylor, “OOO-more power-WHOO-WHOO-HOO!” 😉

    • Lynda says:

      Claire, thank you! I can’t wait to show it to you properly. The garden, the creek, the woods, and the before and afters of the inside!!! 😀
      It is never going to be like the “Jones'” (as in keeping up with) but it will be quaint, and most importantly, ours.

    • Lynda says:

      Yes, it seemed as though nothing was going to ever happen and then here we are on the cusp of wonderful things! I am excited about all of it, Patti!

  2. Eha says:

    It is a happy view isn’t it! Tho’ I have been to the US many a time [from Down Under, that is!] I have never been to Alabama and am so looking forwards to learning and sharing with your side of the world 🙂 ! Celi’s idea of ‘introduction’ has taught all of us a great deal, methinks!!

    • Lynda says:

      Celi, thank you for sharing my (soon to be) back porch view! I can hardly wait to see more of your members of fellowship views! They are all lovely and unique!

    • Lynda says:

      Thank you, Bill! As soon as possible, that pond will be Polly and Frellnick’s playground, and there are goats in my future too! I say my because the animal details are all mine according to Bob. Though he does come to my aid when I need it in spite of himself. 😉

  3. LB says:

    What a view!! And so green (I keep telling people how great rain is … folks are a bit sick of cold and rain around my neck of the woods). How many acres will you own? Good luck with the final inspection and the “legal stuff”.

    • Lynda says:

      Thank you, LB! We are not certain as yet. Documents over the years say anything from 23 to 27. We had a survey done and will know for sure on Friday. We are living on just under 1 right now, and are feeling the squeeze! This will definitely give us room to roam and stretch our legs. 🙂

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